Armor Combat

General Thoughts #

  • Chassis models (under construction) each have different system slot limits.
  • Up to players to choose which Systems complement their chassis.
  • Each frame is (2–4 meters tall)
  • Armors are battery-powered
  • Each frame is a unique chassis with different Special Abilities (under construction)
  • Each frame has a base movement speed which can be modified with movement systems (under construction)
  • Pilots start with one Talent and gain additional ones at Rank 3 and 5 of their AK Skill (under construction)

Stats #

Every Alluvion Knight Player begins with 2d6 Skill Dice. These can be added to any of the Pools below at any time.

  • Attack Pool
  • Move Pool
  • Defense Pool
  • Spot Pool

The Systems #

There are six types of systems total

  • Defensive Systems are divided into different sub-types.
    • Resistive Defenses—heavy armor and damoclite shields. You can carry 0-2 of these. The first system adds 2d6 to your Defense pool. A 2nd Resistive Defense System adds one more d6 and you can serve as cover for allies without risking damage to yourself.
    • ECMs (Electronic Countermeasures)—stealth systems, damo dust measures, anti-missile cannons, smoke screens, etc. These are primarily used against Smart Weapon Systems, but also make you harder to hit. You can carry 0-2 of any of the three. The first adds 2d6 to the system. A second Defensive System of either type adds one more d6, but you take damage when serving as cover.
  • Movement Systems—jump jets, aqua jets, drill skates, etc. You can carry 0-2 of these. At 0 you only have your Armor’s base movement speed. The first system adds 1d6 to your Move Pool and allows you to move through cover. A 2nd system adds one more d6.
  • Surveillance/Communication Systems—laser targeting, radar, sonar, signal trackers, etc. You can carry 0–2 of these. The first system adds 1d6 to your Spot Pool. A 2nd system adds one more d6. No surveillance systems means you can only spot targets within in hand-to-hand or direct line of fire and only out of cover. One surveillance system means you can spot targets both in direct line of fire and behind cover. Two surveillance systems means you can spot anything on the map.
  • Weapons Systems are divided into different sub-types.
    • Hand-to-Hand Weapon Systems—a monofilament sword and synthesized obsidian blades. You can carry 0–2 of these. The first system adds 1d6 to your Attack Pool. A 2nd Weapons System of any type adds 1d8.
    • Direct Fire Weapon Systems—assault rifles, grenade launchers, flamethrowers, gatling guns, etc. You can carry 0–2 of these. The first system adds 1d6 to your Attack Pool. A 2nd Weapons system of any type adds 1d8.
    • Smart Weapon Systems—guided missiles and drones. You can carry 0–2 of these. The first system adds 1d6 to your Attack Pool. A 2nd Weapons System of any type adds 1d8.

A mobile frame with neither Direct Fire nor Smart Systems gains 1d8 to their Move Pool. This doesn’t count as a system and can’t be destroyed.

In addition to its systems, you can carry up to 2 single-shot rockets. They each add 1d8 to your Attack Pool when used.

General Combat Info #

  • Each round is roughly 5 seconds of in-game time
  • 1 hex/square on the map = 3m
  • Direct fire range = 60 m or 20 hexes/squares
  • Ranged attacks beyond direct fire range adds 1d8 Opportunity to the defender’s roll.

Skill, Wild Dice #

Roll these dice once every round regardless of what actions you are taking. They can be assigned in lieu of dice from any pool.

Take from this pool if you run out of dice from any of your other Pools (even Defense) during a round.

Initiative #

Ambushes grant the ambushers a free round to themselves without reprisals. On equal terms, players roll Acuity + Will and add their Skill while NPCs roll their Skill Dice only.

The side with the highest Ace goes first.

Actions #

Every AK Player has two actions per round. Actions may be repeated in one round. The actions are as follows:

  • Spot
  • Attack
  • Move
  • Grapple

Comms are a free action.

Move #

Roll your Move Pool once per round if you have available dice. Move only as many meters as your Armor’s movement rating. Assign dice from your Move Pool (or Skill Pool) to add to the number of meters your Armor can move per round.

Attacking, Spotting, and Defending #

Attacking #

When rolling to Attack, always use the red dice from the Weapons Pool. Roll it only once per round regardless of the number of times attacking. Assign the highest or preferred dice to make up your Attack Value versus a target’s Defense Value.

Only roll the d8’s from the consumable rockets if the character is using them this round.

Knowing When Attacks Hit #

Always compare the Attack Value + Spot Value to the Defense Value of the target.

  • If ≥ 1 the attack hits
  • If ≤ 0 the attack misses

Attacks against terrain always hit.

Damage #

If an attack hits, the difference between the Attack and Defense values determines how many d6’s are rolled.

The result of each d6 matters. Higher results are Direct Hits while lower ones indicate superficial damage. Direct Hits damage Armors’ systems. Once all of an Armor’s systems are destroyed, the Armor is rendered inoperable and removed from combat.

  • Close quarter attacks ignore cover and are Direct Hits on a 4–6.
  • Ranged attacks from non-smart weapons against exposed targets are Direct Hits on a 5 or 6.
  • Ranged attacks from non-smart weapons against targets in cover are Direct Hits on a 6 only.
  • Ranged attacks from smart weapons ignore cover and are Direct Hits on a 4–6.

Unless otherwise stated, for every 2 Direct Hits, a system is destroyed on the Armor. Players can always choose what system is destroyed on their Armors and Armors they attack OR assign each installed system a number from 1 to 5 and roll 1d6—on a 6, the pilot themselves takes a Direct Hit against their HP.

Spotting #

Assign a die from your Spot Pool to increase the chances of allies’ attacks hitting.

You can only Spot after you Attack or when forgoing an Attack this round. Attacking a target you’ve Spotted in the same round is untenable.

Spot dice don’t stack against the same target. The higher Spot dice replaces lower ones if a target is Spotted again in the same round.

If a Spot dice on a target is used in an Attack, it’s consumed. Unused Spot dice on targets don’t carry over to the next round. All Spot dice are reset every round.

Defending #

Roll the pool once per round only, regardless of how many times you are attacked. Assign a single die against each Attack.

Grappling #

To grapple, take dice from the grappler’s AK Skill Pool and compare against the target’s selected dice from their Movement Pool. Spot can’t augment the grappler’s roll.

  • If ≥ 1 the target is grappled
  • If ≤ 0 the target escapes

A grappled target loses use of one system while grappled—player’s choice. The grappled target can’t move or break free until they contest with their Wild Dice Pool versus that of the grappler. The grappled only breaks free if they beat the grappler’s roll.

Additionally, with an Action, grappled targets can be forced to move in a 3m (1 hex) radius around the grappler.

A grappler can only grapple one target at a time, unless otherwise stated.

Finally, the grappled target can serve as cover for the grappler if the former is in the way of the incoming ranged attack (i.e. the grappled interrupts line of sight).

Readying/Holding an Action #

Actions in a round can be held until the start of the character’s next turn in the succeeding round. The character must announce a trigger for the Action to engage such as “I wait until any enemy is within range then I attack” or “I grapple whatever target passes next to me.” If the trigger conditions are met, then the action engages and can even interrupt the actions of other characters.

Cover #

Every object that could possibly absorb blows from bullets or explosions can take a variable number of hits depending on the material it’s made from. The number of hits different material types can take is denoted as Object Health (OH).

Either way, when hitting a target in cover, all rolls that aren’t Direct Hits are taken by the cover instead. An allied Armor serving as cover with two Defense systems doesn’t take damage unless one of their Defenses are destroyed or overcome (like when being grappled).

Type of CoverThick OHThin OH
Bulletproof Glass52

Foot Soldiers #

Initiative #

They always go at the end of the round. Roll 1d6 + Morale Rating per side every round. The side with the higher (or highest in the case of multiple sides) result has their infantry go first.

Weapons and Damage #

Every squad of 6 foot soldiers with anti-AK weapons, have no more than 1d6 to their Weapons Pool. They may use Spot Dice to augment their Attack Value.

Dealing with Infantry #

Dedicate dice from the rolled Skill Pool or Weapons Pool per round to see how many foot soldiers within range fall per round. They don’t benefit from cover.

Morale #

For every encounter prepared, assign every opposing side a Morale rating from 3 to 10. The latter number representing the most elite of combatants. Those whose very honor would be slighted at the very thought of retreat or surrender.

When half of enemy Alluvion Armors are rendered inoperable or their lead AK is destroyed, roll a 2d6 Morale check.

If the resulting sum is greater than the morale of a side indicate a rout or surrender.

Batteries #

Alluvion Armors unable to charge after 3 encounters become depleted.

Roll 1d6 after every turn. On a 1, you lose control as your Alluvion Armor shuts down.

Repairs #

When resting outside of repair hubs or doing hurried repairs at a hub, roll 1d6:

  • 4–6 You replace 1d6 systems.
  • 2–3 You replace 1d3 systems.
  • 1 Choose either
    • Your Armor can move
    • Your Armor can attack